Thông tin truyện

Isshou Senkin

Tác giả:

Thể loại: Action , Martial Arts

Trạng thái: Đang ra

Isshou Senkin

Đánh giá: 8 / 10 từ 1 lượt

Imagine this kickass trio: a washed-up boxer, a dodgy yakuza, and a crooked cop, all teaming up for the ultimate hustle - an underground fight club, but not just any fight club, a fight club for the ladies! To make their dream a reality, they need a star, and they've found her - a sweet-as-pie girl with a hidden side as dangerous as a rattlesnake. Get ready for a wild ride as they navigate the world of illegal fights, shady characters, and a ton of unexpected twists and turns. Trust us, this story is like a roller coaster, but with more punching and less screaming.

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